EngageRocket Review

EngageRocket is the first WordPress plugin that allows you to leveraging the Facebook Open Graph.  We’ve taken the FB marketing strategies large brands are using like MapMyRun next Spotify (ie: Ryan just ran 3.42 miles using MapMyRun or Sarah is listening to Phil Collins on Spotify) and brought it on the road to all Marketers.

Leveraging the open graph involves a lot of programming plustechnical skills.

Which is why we had pre-configured + pre-approved actions previously created that are approved next to Facebook:

    Join a Product Launch
    Claim a Giveaway
    Claim a Free Gift
    Attend a Webinar
    Attend a Hangout
    Adding More Soon…

Lock in the leastpage on your site and call for the user to “Connect” to their Facebook account to unlock some content you want to provide them.  This does two possessions:

    Adds them to your Email List / Auto-Responder
    Posts that Action on their Wall, Timeline, Newsfeed
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Themes by Bonard Alfin Alat Recording l Studio Rekaman